Camden County Cultural and Heritage Commission

The Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission, founded in 1972, recognizes the role of the arts and local history in making our communities dynamic places to live and work. The Commission was established by the Board of Chosen Commissioners to act as the designated agency in Camden County to receive and administer the New Jersey State Council on the Arts Local Arts Program and the New Jersey Historical Commission County History Partnership Program. These grants programs provide funding for small and emerging non-profit organizations through the Commission’s re-grant program.

The Camden County Cultural and Heritage Commission at Camden County College is proud to participate in a variety of yearly cultural and arts and local history events such as the Local Arts Program, the County History Partnership Program, the New Jersey Senior Citizens Art Show, and numerous other arts-centered programs both throughout the county and on our College Campuses.

Mission & Goals

The mission of the Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College is to help enrich the lives of ALL Camden County residents through arts, history, cultural education, and programming.

Our goals are to:

  • Strengthen the cultural framework of Camden County by educating the community about the diverse cultural experiences available to all
  • Support grassroots organizations with funding and technical assistance
  • Serve as a clearing house of information and resources for cultural practitioners and organizations
  • Increase and deepen the interactions between cultural practitioners and county residents
  • Advocate publicly for culture as a vital asset to the County

Local Arts Program

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts provides re-grant funding opportunities through the Local Arts Program. Eligible organizations are Camden County-based 501 (c) 3, that are seeking support for a Camden County-based arts program. Each year, applications are accepted from such organizations for funding consideration.
Applications are now being accepted for FY2025 (1/1/2025 – 12/31/2025). Please note that the application process has changed for FY2025 to an online application process. Please apply at to begin the application process. The FY2025 application process now involves two steps. First, we ask that you submit a “Letter of Intent” by September 30, 2024. Upon review and approval for the Letter of Intent, you will be asked to complete a “Full Application” by October 31, 2024.

County History Partnership Program

Through funding provided by the New Jersey Historical Commission, the Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College provides limited funding to grassroots 501(c)(3) history organizations within Camden County which successfully apply.
Applications are now being accepted for FY2025 (1/1/2025 – 12/31/2025). Please note that the application process has changed for FY2025 to an online application process. Please apply at to begin the application process. The FY2025 application process now involves two steps. First, we ask that you submit a “Letter of Intent” by September 30, 2024. Upon review and approval for the Letter of Intent, you will be asked to complete a “Full Application” by October 31, 2024.

Technical Workshops

Technical Workshops to assist with the application processes will be held on September 16, 2024 at 9:00am and September 18, 2024 at 2:00pm. Please email to request an additional technical workshop.

Special Request Grants

The Cultural & Heritage Commission maintains a limited portion of its budget for special requests. Special requests are for those situations in which a Camden County non-profit arts or history organization has never before applied to the grant program and/or due to extenuating circumstances was unable to meet the deadline or requirements. An organization can only receive a Special Request grant once, and future funding from the Commission must be sought through one of its other granting programs. The maximum amount that may be requested through a Special Request is $1,000. Applications are now being accepted for FY2024 (funds must be expended by 12/31/2024). Please note that the application process has changed for FY2024 to an online application process. Please apply at to begin the application process.


All programs and services of the Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College are available to every resident of Camden County regardless of limitations. The Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College does not discriminate on the basis of disability and makes all reasonable accommodation, at all campus facilities to provide access to all. The Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, treatment of, or employment in, its services, programs, and/or other activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in the CCC&HC services, programs, and activities.

The Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College is a wheelchair-accessible space and will provide assistive services upon request. If you require an accommodation or service please contact the CCC&HC@CCC, at least two weeks prior to your scheduled visit.

2024 Grant Award Recipients

Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College Advisory Commission Members

Samir Nichols, Chairperson
Vedra D. Chandler
Michelle Lawler Higgins
Asiyah Kurtz
J. Kenneth Leap
Jack O’Byrne
Peter Seibert
Carrol Stella

David Bruno, Executive Director
Melinda Kane, Camden County Board of Commissioners


For information about the CCC&HC @ CCC, contact:
(856) 227-7200 Ext: 4605


Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission
Lincoln Hall, Suite 23
Camden County College
200 College Drive
Blackwood, NJ 08012

The Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College is funded in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, and the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of Cultural Affairs in the Department of State.

New Jersey State Counsil on the Arts Logo
New Jersey Historical Commission Logo